Conversation, conversation, conversation

Tangier Institute

Braness Quarter, near the café Nawras


December 30th to March 27th 2020

Need info?

00212 668 334 622

You don’t know how to speak Arabic yet? This intensive Arabic course is made for you!

You will learn the foundations of Arabic and you will very quickly be able to speak sentences and converse with your classmates.

During the 3 months you will learn approximately 450 words.

We will first learn how to introduce ourselves and introduce others. We will cover several topics, topics about life so that you can quickly apply what you have learned in every day life.


You can register even if you can already read Arabic, even if your reading isn’t smooth.

If you cannot read yet, please go to: Learning to read and write in Arabic


  • Men : 7 am to 9:30 am or 9:30 am to 12 pm Mondays to Fridays.
  • Women : 12:30 pm to 3:30 pm Mondays to Thursdays.


During these three months we will use books made by the “Tangier Institute”.

  • We will follow Zayd, a young man with a wife and 3 children. Zayd and his wife wish to learn Arabic so they decide to travel to Morocco to start to study.

We will accompany Zayd on his trip and this beautiful new adventure. He will need to get by at the the airport or at the hotel. He will have to go grocery shopping and will sometimes be ill. He must therefore quickly learn the vocabulary and the proper sentences to help with his integration.


  • Registration fees: 35€ (once per year)
  • 3 months: 295€
  • Tools: Information on site

I want to speak Arabic too! I’M ENROLLING!

Période souhaitée (obligatoire) / Desired period (required)

Sexe / Sex

Homme / ManFemme / Woman

Votre nom et prénom (obligatoire) / Name and surname (required)

Votre nationalité (obligatoire) / Nationality (required)

Votre âge (obligatoire) / Age (required)

Votre adresse postale (obligatoire) / Postal address (required)

Votre email (obligatoire) / Email address (required)

Votre numéro de téléphone (obligatoire) / Phone number (required)

Une information complémentaire ? / Additional information?

Je certifie avoir pris connaissances du règlement intérieur ainsi que des tarifs en vigueur / I hereby certify that I am aware of the present regulations and rates

Je m'engage a régler la totalité des frais dès le début des cours / I will pay the full cost at the beginning of the course