Important:   For children 6 and 7 years old, it is better for them to attend the 1st grade.


- Coran
- Literary Arabic
- Tawhid and Fiqh

Arabic lessons for children are based on books made for children : the Medina volumes. They will therefore easily progress and familiarize themselves with sounds and images while learning basic useful vocabulary .
This class is not specialized in the learning of the Coran but rather in the learning of the Arabic language. We will study the Coran with the children but they will not learn all of it here, they will simply be able to read it.
Our goal is to make the children self-sufficient in the Arabic language.
The Arabic lessons for children are made for boys and girls (mixed classrooms), their teacher is a kind female teacher, always loved by her students.
The school schedule for the Arabic lessons for children in the Tangier Institute is the same as the ones of any other school.


Adaptation (from 8 years old):
This class is an adaptation class. The Arabic lessons for children are made to boost the children's educational level of the Arabic language without rushing them or making them feel frustrated as they would in a class filled with native Moroccans that have been speaking Arabic since birth.


Mondays to Thursdays from 12:30 pm to 3:30 pm.
Fridays from 9 am to 12 pm.

The Arabic lessons for children will not be longer than 3 hours a day. We think that is sufficient especially since certain parents give their children extra classes in other subjects.
The Arabic lessons for children will be held throughout the schoolyear from September to June : it is therefore a one-year commitment.


Arabic lessons for children:
- Registration fee : 90€/child (once a year)
- 85 €/month
- Books (the price depends on the printer)

RULES OF PROCEDURE (an article talks about the Arabic lessons for children)

Article 1 : Staff

This regulation shall apply to all students ...


Registration for Arabic lessons for children

Nom et prénom du tuteur (obligatoire)Name and surname of guardian (required)

Justificatif "Pièce d'identité" (obligatoire) / ID number (required)

Garçon/fille ? (obligatoire) / Boy/girl ? (required)
Garçon / BoyFille / Girl

Age (obligatoire) / Age (required)

Nom et prénom de l'enfant (obligatoire) / Name and surname of the child (required)

Possibilité de paiement (obligatoire) / Payment method (required)

Maladie (obligatoire) / Illnesses (required)
Non / NoOui / Yes

Si oui, veuillez préciser / If yes, please specify

Votre email (obligatoire) / . Email (required)

Votre numéro de téléphone (obligatoire) / Phone number (required)

Une information complémentaire ? / Additional information ?

Je certifie avoir pris connaissances du règlement intérieur ainsi que des tarifs en vigueur / I hereby certify that I am aware of the present regulations and rates

Je déclare exacts les renseignements portés sur cette fiche. / I/We declare that the information in this application is accurate.